History Search and Find
Presented by: Kimberly Hubbard
Subject Area(s):
- K-12: Language Arts
- K-12: Mathematics
- Civics
- United States History
- K-12: Technology
Grade Level(s):
Teacher-Librarian will collaborate with Social Studies teacher or classroom teacher to supplement and reinforce instruction on the American Revolution. The students will enter a specific website bookmarked on each work station and find answers to questions on handout worksheet. There is also an American Revolution Game to be played with the whole class upon completion of the worksheet.
Goals & Objectives:
Instructional Goals:
- To extract information from electronic source.
- To increase experience with research process.
- To reinforce U.S. American Revolution historical facts.
Learning Objectives:
- Students will follow directions from Teacher-Librarian to locate appropriate website.
- Students will perform successful search from predetermined website.
- Students will accurately retrieve answers to American Revolution worksheet.
Motivational Goals:
- To build students’ confidence in their ability to search a website for specific information.
- To reinforce students’ confidence in their ability to retrieve information on a website.
- To promote student’s satisfaction in their research accomplishments.
See supporting files for complete lesson plans.
See supporting files for complete lesson plans.
See supporting files for complete lesson plans.
Supporting Files:
- IMPACT_Lesson_Elem.doc
Attached is my complete lesson plan.
- AmericanRevolution_Worksheet.doc
Worksheet Questions
- American_Revolution_Answer_Key.doc
Worksheet answer key
- AmericanRevolutionJeopardy.ppt
Jeopardy Game
National Information Literacy Standards (K-12)
Accesses information efficiently and effectively.
Recognizes the need for information.
Evaluates information critically and competently.
Determines accuracy, relevance and comprehensiveness.
Selects information appropriate to the problem or question at hand.
Strives for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation.
Assesses the quality of the process and products of personal information seeking.
Practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology.
Respects intellectual property rights.
Uses information technology responsibly.
Information Skills and Subskills (K-16)
Determines amount/type of information needed to complete research task
Narrows topic to be explored
Creates a general framework for organizing information found
Selects most appropriate information sources
Locates relevant information within selected sources
Identifies and extracts relevant information from selected sources
Stores information for potential future use
Filters out irrelevant information
Summarizes/synthesizes/classifies final information
Presents results
Evaluates end product
Determines future usefulness/applicability of research process
- Subject: K-12: Language Arts
National Content Standards (K-12)
Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
Gathers and uses information for research purposes
Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process
Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts
Listening and Speaking
Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes
- Subject: Civics
Understands the role and importance of law in the American constitutional system and issues regarding the judicial protection of individual rights
- Subject: K-12: Mathematics
Uses a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process