Internet Safety: Proving You Can Be Responsible Users

Presented by: Susanne Bang

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


This lesson is designed to teach 5th grade students how to behave and interact with others responsibly when using the Internet. Topics discussed include information privacy, social networking, cyberbullying, and netiquette.


Computers with Internet access

Internet Safety Webquest located at

Sheet of questions to be answered

Free teacher-created account with edu.glogster (

SMART Board preferred (to make sharing glogs and taking interactive quiz easier); but a document camera would suffice

Teaching materials (handouts, interactive SMART Board quiz, edu.glogster info) available within Internet Safety Webquest at




Direct Instruction:

Discuss school’s Internet Use Agreement with the students.  (Some schools may have strict policies that explain what is appropriate/inappropriate and the consequences of breaking the agreement; other schools may have no user agreement at all.)  Explain that if parents and/or administration thought that the students were using the Internet irresponsibly they “could” decide that students will no longer have access to the Internet in school because it is “unsafe.” For the purpose of this lesson, we will assume that the parents of the school have met and collectively decided that the Internet is unsafe and they want use of it restricted in the school.  The school TL has stepped in and argued that as long as students know how to use the Internet responsibly, it is an amazing tool that can assist in student learning.  The parents are willing to hold off on their decision until the students have a chance to prove they can use the Internet safely and responsibly. 


Modeling and Guided Practice:

Briefly discuss the 4 topics of Internet Safety with the students – allowing them to share any personal anecdotes, concerns, personal experiences. 

·         Who knows what “information privacy” is?

o   You will research what information should be kept private, how and why others try to get this information, and what should be done to protect it.

·         What’s a social network?  Who has a Facebook or MySpace account?  Are you aware that there are rules about proper conduct within social networks?

o   You will research both the benefits and dangers involved with social networking.

·         What is cyberbullying?  Anyone ever been directly involved with a cyberbullying incident?

o   You will research what constitutes cyberbullying, what to do if you are cyberbullied, what the consequences can be for cyberbullies, and how to protect yourself from cyberbullies.

·         Who’s familiar the term “netiquette”?  How about the term “etiquette”?

o   You will research the rules for proper netiquette (online behavior), what behaviors should be avoided online, and which ones are encouraged.

TL will introduce Internet Safety Webquest (located at and walk students through the layout of the assignment.  Each topic to be researched has its own page on the Webquest site and each page has questions to be answered and links to online resources to use for researching the topic.  Students will use the links to answer the questions, keeping good notes that will be used to create their glogs (digital posters) about Internet Safety, and class lists of Internet Safety/Netiquette rules.


Independent Practice:


Sharing and Reflecting:

·         Students will present their finished glogs to the class, sharing what they have learned about their topic with the rest of the class, many of whom focused on a different specific topic.

·         Students will create a collective list of Internet Safety Rules and Proper Netiquette to be hung in the media center.

·         Class will take a collective and interactive Internet Safety quiz to assess lesson comprehension.
