Junie B. Meets Melvil D.

Presented by: Cindy Grannell

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s):


In this game, students synthesize their role playing skills, love of literature (Junie B. Jones series, by Barbara Park), and knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System. One student reads a statement dramatically telling the class why they need a book, then asks another student for help. With the aide of a list of Dewey Decimal System subject groups, and lifelines like 50/50, phone-a-friend, and polling the audience, the second student will name the correct 100's group and physically go to the correct location in the library.

Goals & Objectives:

Instructional Goals

Third graders will determine relevancy and gain confidence in their searching skills based upon knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System. Learning Objectives Cognitive - Learners will be able to:

1. Define and locate fiction and non-fiction areas

2. Name three uses for the Dewey Decimal System

3. Match a subject to a DDS subject group

4. Explain or justify the match Psychomotor - Learner will be able to:

a. Use physical expression in story telling

b. Physically locate the DDS subject area in the LMC

Affective: Learners will choose to engage in storytelling, or in game as a contestant, or in game as a "lifeline."

Motivational Goals:

1.Establish importance of information skills (especially DDS)

2. Build confidence in research ability (especially finding non fiction books independently)

3. Encourage ongoing confidence in research ability

4. Motivate continuing information exploration


Selections from Junie B Jones series by Barbara Park Powerpoint presentation of questions Job aid: reproduce last slide of powerpoint presentation for individuals



1.Introduce myself.
2.Set picnic basket on the table (providing mystery)
3.Take out different selections from the Junie B Jones series by Barbara Park. Students will offer which are their favorites, or which they have read.


4.As real as Junie B seems, is (select a title) a fiction or non fiction book? I don't know your library. Where would I go to find a fiction book? (personalize).
5.I'm learning to be a librarian and one of the things I have to learn is where to put the nonfiction books on the shelf (personalize).
6.What is that system called? Why is it important (relevance)? Answers could include: being able to find books, so that books are shelved with like books, so that you can go in any school or public library and access books. (personalize)
7.Introduce Millionaire style game, asking for volunteers (encourage participation from everyone, even if a child only wants to be a "phone-a-friend.")
8.Read one question as an example (in a very dramatic Junie B style).
9.Play game with remaining questions (variety of storytellers), having contestant physically move to corresponding shelf area, to show the storyteller which Dewey 100's subject would answer the query. Offer positive feedback, encouraging lifelines and hints (reinforcing satisfaction) (reinforcing confidence).


10. Conclude by reinforcing how well they all did and how well they will all do in 4th grade.


Answers to the lesson questions and game questions are the learning product:

1.Do students understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

2.Do students know where the fiction and nonfiction books are shelved in their library?

3.Can students name 3 uses for the Dewey Decimal System?

4.Can storytellers assume the exaggerated style of Junie B Jones?

5.Can contestants answer the game questions:

a.without assistance,

b.with a "lifeline," or

c.with additional clues?

6.Can contestant find corresponding area in the library?

Supporting Files:
