Create Builder
It's a Buggy World!
Lets Begin!
The Challenge
Where to Look
Some Ideas
What Next...
Some Buggy Fun!
Teacher Resources
Assessment Methods
Where to Look
bug-eyed bug
Below you will find links to websites all about bugs and insects.
  • First we will look them over together.
  • Then later, when you feel more comfortable looking around in them on your own, you will work in your groups to find the three facts about your bug or insect.
    Are you ready?  Let's go...
 **Remember: If for some reason you leave the buILder website, just click on the back arrow at the top of your screen.  Your teacher or librarian can show you where it is.**
 fluttering blue and yellow butterfly
Click the butterfly to visit our first website - The Nature Conservatory
black ant
Click on the ant above to visit our next website - Insect
green beetle
Click on the green beetle to visit site number three - Bug Bios 
brown cockroach
 Click on the cockroach to visit site number four our last site - BugGuide.Net!
Now that you have visited all of the websites you can click on Some Ideas in the menu bar for some things to think about while looking for your three buggy facts.

Questions or comments? Contact DataMomentum team for general information.