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Bag with body system representations
Computers/laptops for student use
Internet access
Projector & screen
“Body Systems Research Questions” worksheet (see supplemental materials)
“Body Systems Note Taking Sheet” worksheet (see supplemental materials)
"Project grading rubric (see supplemental materials)
“Project Requirements for Human Body Systems” handout (see supplemental materials)
“Website Evaluation Checklist for Intermediate Students” handout (see supplemental materials)
“Non-Fiction Book Evaluation Form” handout (see supplemental materials)
PowerPoint Glogster tutorial (see supplemental materials)
"Evaluating Web Resources." USM Libraries. Jan. 2004. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .
Glogster EDU – Poster Yourself | Text, Images, Music and Video. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .
"MLA Citation Maker Secondary Oregon School Library Information System." Welcome! Who are you? Oregon School Library Information System. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .
"Practice Evaluating Online Resources: Activity 2." Tammy Payton Home Page. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .
RubiStar Home. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .
"Student Materials: Hints About Print." ReadWriteThink. Web. 18 Nov. 2009. .
Day 1
Direct Instruction:
On a large piece of chart paper, the TL will write “Welcome to Glogster 101: A place where students learn how to become the best gloggers in the 7th grade!” TL will ask students if anyone has ever heard of a glog, and this should open up discussion and lead into the introduction to creating digital posters using Glogster (http://edu.glogster.com/). TL will show a sample glog that she has created for the purpose of this lesson. The sample glog will provide information on their body systems research project to include: topic selection, project tasks, research requirements, and a brief video about using Glogster (http://mamiddle.glogster.com/glog-3042/). TL will share two examples of research digital posters that have been created by students at the same grade level: http://environmentalheroes.pbworks.com/Theodore+Roosevelt and http://environmentalheroes.pbworks.com/Ansel-Adams-2009 . Topic selection: The TL and science teacher will have students pick out of a bag a symbol that represents a body system (i.e. a heart for the circulatory system, etc.). Each symbol will have a number on it, and once all students have picked a symbol out of the bag, they will find their partner with the matching number. The science teacher will distribute “Body Systems Research Questions” and “Body systems Note Taking Sheet” and the project grading rubric. The science teacher will give an overview of assignment requirements and review expectations of the project using the “Project Requirements for Human Body Systems” handout. (See SM1 through SM4).
Day 2
Direct Instruction:
The TL will provide a brief lesson on how to evaluate websites. The students will use the “Website Evaluation Checklist for Intermediate Students” and “Science Websites and Print Checklist” handouts. (SM5 and SM6)
Modeling and Guided Practice:
The TL will take students through the evaluation process using checklist and first website listed on provided worksheet. The students will have a list of 8 science websites to choose from to answer research questions. Their job is to evaluate each website using their website evaluation checklist and select only 2 of the websites. Each of the 2 websites chosen will require a completed “Website Evaluation Checklist for Intermediate Grades” to justify the reason for their selection.
Independent Practice:
Students will be given 25 minutes to evaluate sites while teacher and TL walk around and provide feedback and support as needed. The lesson will end with the TL reminding students that they also need to use 1 print source. The TL will distribute “Non-Fiction Book Evaluation Form” (SM7) to students and have them use the computer to access a brief online tutorial of how to effectively assess non-fiction sources. (http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/hints-on-print/index.html). Students will be required to complete website and print evaluation forms prior to the next lesson as well as be prepared with chosen sources.
Days 3 and 4
Independent Practice:
Students will be given two separate 40 minute blocks to access resources and answer research questions. Students will use the note taking graphic organizer to record information (SM2). All students will have access to the library after school if they require extra time or need help with the assignment. The TL and science teacher will be available to provide assistance and feedback as needed.
Day 5
Modeling and Guided
Students are now ready to start creating their digital posters. The TL will provide a tutorial using a PowerPoint presentation (SM8) on how to create a glog using http://edu.glogster.com/. After watching the tutorial students will be given 20 minutes to get acquainted with the program. The TL and science teacher will be walking around to answer questions.
Days 6 and 7
Independent Practice:
The students will be given 2 forty minute blocks to work on digital posters, reminded to use note taking sheets to record the URL’s of any images, sound, or video that they might use. Students will present their completed glog to the class during a sharing session.